
also check out dblp or Google Scholar for a more up-to-date list of my publications


  1. Best Paper
    Quantum CCA-Secure PKE, Revisited
    Navid Alamati ,  and  Varun Maram
    In PKC 2024: 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography , 2024


  1. Generic Enhancements of Post-Quantum Public-Key Encryption
    Varun Maram
    ETH Zürich , 2023
    Doctoral Thesis
  2. Quantum Cryptanalysis of OTR and OPP: Attacks on Confidentiality, and Key-Recovery
    Melanie Jauch ,  and  Varun Maram
    In SAC 2023: 30th International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography , 2023
  3. Non-Observable Quantum Random Oracle Model
    Navid AlamatiVarun Maram ,  and  Daniel Masny
    In PQCrypto 2023: 14th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography , 2023
  4. Best Paper
    Post-quantum Anonymity of Kyber
    Varun Maram ,  and  Keita Xagawa
    In PKC 2023: 26th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography , 2023


  1. On the Quantum Security of OCB
    Varun MaramDaniel MasnySikhar Patranabis ,  and  Srinivasan Raghuraman
    IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol., 2022
  2. Anonymous, Robust Post-quantum Public Key Encryption
    Paul GrubbsVarun Maram ,  and  Kenneth G. Paterson
    In EUROCRYPT 2022: 41st Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques , 2022


  1. Gladius: LWR Based Efficient Hybrid Public Key Encryption with Distributed Decryption
    Kelong CongDaniele CozzoVarun Maram ,  and  Nigel P. Smart
    In ASIACRYPT 2021: 27th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security , 2021


  1. On Broadcast in Generalized Network and Adversarial Models
    Chen-Da Liu-ZhangVarun Maram ,  and  Ueli Maurer
    In OPODIS 2020: 24th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems , 2020
  2. On the Security of NTS-KEM in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
    Varun Maram
    In CBCrypto 2020: 8th International Workshop on Code-Based Cryptography , 2020


  1. Brief Announcement: Towards Byzantine Broadcast in Generalized Communication and Adversarial Models
    Chen-Da Liu-ZhangVarun Maram ,  and  Ueli Maurer
    In DISC 2019: 33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing , 2019
  2. Broadcast Achievability in Incomplete Minicast Models
    Varun Maram
    ETH Zürich , 2019
    Master’s Thesis


  1. Enhanced Personalized Targeting Using Augmented Reality
    Gaurush HiranandaniKumar AyushVarsha ChinnaobireddyAtanu R. SinhaPranav Maneriker ,  and  Sai Varun Reddy Maram
    In ISMAR 2017: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality , 2017